Poblet Monastery, Tarragona
The Royal Monastery of Santa Maria de Poblet is likely the most representative monastery on the Route of the Royal Monasteries of Catalonia, constituting a true historical and architectural gem. That’s why it was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1992.
The building that can be seen today dates back to the 14th century, although the monastery was founded in the 12th century (1129) by the order of the Count of Barcelona, Ramon Berenguer IV. The focal point of the spiritual life of the monastery is the church, known as Santa Maria, with a basilical plan of three naves and transept, an apse with a walkway for pilgrims, a spectacular pointed or ogival vault, and a set of radial chapels.
Between the refectory and the basilica, we find the cloister, a square space in the Gothic style (12th-13th centuries), simple and harmonious, serving as the distribution point for common areas. In the eastern wing of the cloister is the chapter house, where the monks gather to carry out the chapter, which is the reminder of the rules of the adopted congregational norm, and to discuss internal matters related to the organization of the monastery.
The spaces that make up the monastery complex are surrounded by three concentric rows of walls, each further pointed by a set of gates, with each gate providing access to different areas of the monastery. Two of these gates stand out: the “Puerta Daurada” (Golden Gate, 15th century), guarding the entrance to places like the Chapel of Sant Jordi, the lodging area, or the Hospital dels Pobres, and the Baroque Gate (17th century), providing access to the basilica.
The monastery also preserves valuable works of sacred art. Most of these are exhibited in the museum, located in the “Palau Reial” or “Palau del Rei Martí,” a Gothic-style building. The museum includes altarpieces, carvings, and other types of works. The library also holds a significant heritage, from codices of the era to the personal archive of Josep Tarradellas, the former President of the Generalitat in exile.

Contact information
Abadía de Poblet
43448 Poblet, Tarragona
Phone: +34 977 87 00 89 (ext. 275)
Email: visita@poblet.cat