
Most relevant museums

Discover the most important museums in Cambrils and Tarragon

Museums are institutions dedicated to preserving and interpreting the cultural and natural heritage of a people, created to serve as recreational facilities, avenues of study and educational resources; to contribute to the quality of life of the areas in which they are located, to attract tourism to a given region, to promote civic and cultural pride or even to convey an overtly theological concept. Thus, their main functions are the exhibition of historical and cultural elements, research, dissemination, heritage protection and public attraction.

We want visitors to our museums to become aware of the importance of museums as development entities and guardians of our cultural identity.

Molí de les Tres Eres Museum, Cambrils

Entering this museum shows us how flour was obtained more than a century ago.

Torre del Port Museum, Cambrils

Exhibitions with a special focus on local maritime heritage, such as fishing, the sea or the fishermen's quarter.

National Archaeological Museum, Tarragona

Eight centuries of history of the Roman city of Tarraco, capital of Hispania.

Museum of Modern Art, Tarragona

Modern and contemporary art museum, showcasing its artistic heritage and sharing it with the community.

Diocesan Museum, Tarragona

The collections of religious art from the medieval and modern periods of Tarragona and its diocese are particularly noteworthy.

Gaudí Center Museum, Reus

An experience for the senses and the mind, with a visit that will allow you to get to know the architect Antoni Gaudí better.
This site is registered on as a development site.